The other day at dinner I had one of my rare crying jags for almost no reason. I think I have dealt with the hormones quite well so far. Very few crying jags and I am not quite as irritable as many other preggos I have seen. Bry and I were eating dinner and I just started to cry about how I am scared that we won't be able to afford these babies. Having one baby is scarey enough, with two it is a little bone-chilling. You see those stats on how much it costs to raise children. When I read those I have visions of us living in a lovely refrigerator box. Ok, ok... maybe I am being a bit dramatic but it is scarey as hell. Some months we barely make it by just the two of us. When I am rational I realize that we have always gotten by and God has always provided, so this will be no different. I just cannot help but have those "moments."
I completely understand these feelings.
I think your thoughts are normal... hang in there.
Bill and I had many of these moments while I was PG and still continue to have these moments. Somehow you just make it work. :)
I think it's good that you have those moments. It shows that you're aware of what's ahead of you. You'd be naive to think it wouldn't be difficult, but I promise that you'll always find a way. Try not to stress! Like Meg said, you just make it work.
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