Yesterday was our childbirth class at the hospital and we learned a lot. I was lucky enough to be present for my sisters labor & delivery when she had both boys. So I felt like I had a really good sense of what L&D was like. I did want Brian to get the info though so he knew exactly what to expect and what will be expected of him.
Sitting in a crummy chair all day was murder on my back. They had us in a room with little plastic desks like in school that I barely fit in. Since the class ran all day it was very hard to sit still. I am still paying for it today. I have had a ton of Braxton Hicks contractions and some nausea. It subsides when I lay down, so nothing to worry about. We found out at the class that if I deliver vaginally that even though I can labor in a delivery suite, once it is time to push they will move me to an Operating Room. They do it because after Abby is out there is a risk of Gracie's cord falling out and then she would compress it. If that were the case I would need an emergency section. To me it sounds like more of a reason to do a section as a precaution. I think I am going to talk to my OB about that.
One of the funny things about the class was that although I was the least far along (some women were 35 weeks) I was by far the biggest. It gave me a little perspective on just how big I am getting. It helps me feel better since I am so dang uncomfortable lately. I feel like less of a wimp this way. :>)
I had the same experience at a class I went to recently - I was the biggest person there even though my due date was further away.
You are so not a wimp! For heaven's sakes -- you're carrying two babies around in there. That's exponentially more work than a singleton, IMO.
As for the possibility of a section...I know that you want to deliver vaginally, but keep an open mind. You have to do what's in the best interest of you and both girls. Keep believing in yourself and your body. You of all people know how beneficial positive affirmation is. Hopefully though, you'll be able to avoid surgery.
I can attest that it really isn't that bad if it has to happen. ;)
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