Today will be a fairly long day at the hospital for Brian and I. (These days it feels like I live at the doc or the hospital.) We have to pre-register for my c-section around noon. Then I have my pre-scheduled NST and BPP. After that I will have my amnio to check the babies lung maturity. I was supposed to do that Friday but the awesome ladies at the hospital called me today to see if I wanted to consolidate it into one appointment. I am guessing that it will take a few hours when all is said and done. All the appointments are very taxing on me, but at least we are nearing the end.
It is a little hard to describe the feelings that we are having right now about being so close to meeting our girls. Somedays I feel like the infertile girl who might never have children. The past four years have been so filled with emotion. We have gone from the lowest we have ever been to the highest point imaginable. And in between have been so many bumps. It is amazing that we are able to walk away from this without too many bruises. I think that this journey will always be a big part of who we are. Even when we are parents I doubt we will ever forget how long and how hard we fought to get here. Not one moment of our daughters life will go by that we are not eternally grateful to our families, our friends, each other and to God for the amazing gift we are being given. We are very, very lucky people.
I was going to ask how how you're feeling...being so close and all. You summed it up, ever so eloquently. You two are very deserving and these girls have no idea how fortunate they are (regardless of what you've gone through) to have you guys as their parents. I read somewhere a long time ago the theory that we choose our parents for this life at the end of our previous life...I like that thought and it's an especially neat thought now that I am a parent...
As if this journey hasn't been exciting enough, I can't wait to watch your two turn into a family and read the posts about breastfeeding, their first colds, their first smiles, their H.S. graduations...heh ;-)
Goodluck today with all of your appointments. I'll be crossing my fingers that the amnio is painless and the girls' lungs are well developed.
I think the fact that you said you "are able to walk away from this without too many bruises" says volumes. Infertility is so challenging and can leave many deep wounds. Your persistence, resilience and strength shine through in that statement. You so deserve this!
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