Wanted to post a quick update on the four of us. Mommy and Daddy are exhausted but babies are doing very well. We had a rough couple of days with Abby not eating, but the past two days have been better. The breastfeeding is still plaguing me but I am trying to stick with it. Gracie nurses fairly well but Abby has trouble staying latched on. I try to pump but don't get much. It is frustrating, but I can only do what I can do.
Brian has been so wonderful with the girls. He does the 3am feeding every night (and I love him so much for that). Some days he does either the midnight or the 7am feeding so that I can get extra sleep. We trade off when the girls cry at night which is great. I couldn't do it without him. I am healing well and trying not to push it too hard. I forget that I had major surgery three weeks ago, so Bry constantly reminds me of that.
We are all trying to fall into a routine and keep our sanity. We get so much help from my family which helps us make it through the day. We are just plugging away and trying to hit that magic 6 week mark where people say it starts to get a little easier... Fingers crossed anyway.
We would throw rock paper scisors to see who would get up with the baby in the night. That lent an element of chance to the process...
I'm looking forward to that magical 6 week mark too. We'll see!
I've been reading your blog for awhile and decided to delurk when I read about your breast feeding problems. I have a newborn myself so I am not going to have time to edit this so excuse any sp/typing errors that I'm sure will be plenty.
-I highly reccomend contacting your local la leche league and trying to find someone who has successfully nursed twins. Some LLL can be a bit over the top but they can also be very helpful.
-It would also be a good idea to keep seeing a lactation consultant until both babies latch properly as that's half the battle
-Don't judge how much milk the babies are getting by how much you pump. some women just can't pump. babies are much more efficient than pumps.
- The best way to increase your supply is to nurse the babies and top them off with more nursing, not bottles. Breast milk production is totally a supply meeting demand thing.
-Don't give up, it does get easier, especially as they need to eat less frequently.
Sorry to write so much but bfing is such a great thing (and honestly easier than bottles) and I hate to see other moms struggle and then give up when most problems can usually be worked out with enough support and effort.
Good luck and enjoy those babies
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