It seems like it has been a while since I posted a general update, so here goes...
Gracie - What can I say about this kid. She is the world biggest drama queen. When she is happy she is deliriously happy... when she is sad she is devestatingly sad... when she cries the whole house shakes... when she smiles the sun shines brighter. She is the happiest, most content baby about 95% of the time. When she is tired or hungry she is not so pleasant. She is making huge strides in her development. She smiles, coos, sits up with help, grabs for things and is happy almost all the time. She loves her Momma and Daddy and is starting to acknowledge her sister. I cannot believe she is already over 10 lbs and growing well. She is in 1 diapers and almost grown out of her newborn cloths. We have nicknamed her Gigi (if I haven't said that already). Her name is Grace Genevieve (named after my niece)
Abby - Our little Crab Apple is not quite as pleasant as her sister although she is such a joy. She hasn't quite broken into double digits in weight and can't get out of the 3rd percentile but she is working. Her motor skills are delayed (which is normal in preemies, low birthweight babies and babies who had ventriculomegalies...) but she is making such amazing progress. She can't sit at all but has really started reaching and grabbing. We even think she might be left handed. When she smiles it is such a beautiful thing. Partly because she doesn't do it all that often but also because she has an adorable gummy smile. She adores her Daddy, her Mom-mom and her Pop above all else. Mommy is up there, but since she is there all the time... not so exciting. :>) She is a little peanut and worries her Mommy and Daddy by not eating, being terribly cranky and not sleeping but she is doing wonderfully. When we think back a few months and imagine where we could be... we know how truly blessed we are.
Will, Jordan and Genna - It is amazing how much the "big kids" seem bigger. Jordan used to be my baby, but he is SO NOT a baby anymore. He has a hard time with the babies since he wants to be very hands on. He loves them terribly though, which makes me happy. Will wants to hold the girls all the time and is a big help. He can eve feed the babes. Genna... well she has been amazing. She spent the majority of her summer here with me and the girls. To think that a 12 year-old could care for two babies seems crazy, but she has AMAZED me! She would stay up at night and just give the girls their pacies so we could sleep. I don't think I will be able to thank her until she has her first baby and I stay up at nights and help her in repayment. As always she is one of the lights of my life!!!
Us - Mommy and Daddy are tired, stressed and overworked but NEVER HAPPIER!!! I have never had a better job or been so happy in my life. I was born to be these girls Mommy. Brian is the most amazing Dad I have ever been around (ok, expect for maybe mine). His girls adore him and he adores them. I think they wait all day for him to arrive home. Being a parent really is like all those cliches (wearing your heart outside of your body, having your heart walk around inside someone else, etc.) but it is the most amazing thing a person can do.
I think I have rambled on in my sleep deprived state for long enough. So for now we keep on trucking. The days are long and some are longer than others but the chaos is filled with so much beauty and so much joy. We are lucky people and we know it... isn't that the greatest gift?
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