After spending the day at CHOP Thursdayy and being surrounded by kids with all varying types of illnesses, diseases and ailments it was such amazing perspective on how tough life can be. All around me were kids just fighting for their lives. I saw several kids with what appeared to be VERY serious illnesses. It served as a huge reminder to me just how lucky I am. I may have to deal with some very minor issues (by comparison) with Abby but they are NOTHING compared to what those families are dealing with. It was my reminder that while everyone is stressing over buying presents, wrapping paper and dinner plans I will be sitting at home and counting my blessings for my two healthy, beautiful little girls, my Genna and my two little men. I am very lucky... we are all very lucky to have our health. When I think of what others will be dealing with this season my heart just breaks. Some will spend their last Christmas with their child, some will live through their first without their child, some are not lucky like me to have had a child yet. If you are one of the lucky ones who gets to be a Mom or Dad to a precious little one make sure you hold them a little tighter right now. When I see all of those kids I am reminded how fragile but wonderful life truly is. If you are one that has to go without this year I am sending you my prayers that this season does not cause too much pain.
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