Life with Coco and Gigi... and Jack-Jack too!

Life as a Mom, A Homesteader, A Blogger and A Wife.

Sick Picks

With the girls being so sick for so long I have come up with some little tips and tricks for surviving sick twins. I also started thinking about the products that have made my life a hell of a lot easier the past week. I thought it would be worth passing on to other Moms so they can reap the benefits of my trial and error system. Here are a few things I could not have lived without:

- Reliadose Bottles - Those are the bottles that you put a medicine dropper thing right in the middle of the bottle and give the meds while baby is drinking their formula, juice, etc. My girls HATE taking their medicine so it works perfectly for them. Their customer service is excellent. My syringe thing broke and they sent me a replacement kit within days.

- Saline Mist - Skip the cheap bottle of Saline Spray and opt for the mist. It is easier to give to a squirmy baby.

- Temporal Thermometer - Specifically the one sold at Walmart. My Mom and Dad bought us one this weekend since we only had an under the arm one. It works like a dream and takes about 2 seconds. I can even temp them while they sleep.

Another note that is something I wish I would have done. I know that pediatricians now recommend you stray from giving babies water or juice. I wish on this issue I would have followed my gut. I did not train my girls to drink juice so when we needed to give them pedialyte they looked at me like 'what in the heck is wrong with you and where is my formula.' If they had been trained to take juice or even water they would have done a lot better. Instead we had to give Pedialyte with a dropper.


Plant Girl 12:32 AM  

FWIW, it's not just your girls. Katie won't drink juice or Pedialyte either. Only water and milk. And we've tried. Numerous times.

Jessica 9:38 AM  

Omg...the temporal thermometer is a godsend. I also bought one at WalMart about six months ago, and it is great. I can take a temp in the middle of the night without waking them. It's so much easier.

Dylan also doesn't take juice, hence no pedialite either. He does drink water, but even when he was sick, the pedialite still grossed him out. Our ped suggested watered down gatorade, but Dylan even refused that. So, water it was.

I had never heard of the reliadose bottles. I'll have to remember that with the next one we have....



About this blog

Over 8 years we have struggled through 3 IUI's, 6 rounds of IVF, several RE's, hundreds of appointments and the loss of three little angels. Now we find ourselves the proud parents of two perfect little girls and a wonderful little boy!!

Both of our girls struggle with some disabilities but that won't keep us down. Each day has it's own brand of insanity but we love it. Most days I am more monkey wrangler than mother but I do the best I can. Todays goal - getting to tomorrow.

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