I took Gracie to the doc this afternoon and the good news is no pneumonia. The bad news is that she does have a cold and needs to see a GI doc. They put her back on the Reglan and Zantac until we can get her in. The crappy part about the cold is that if Abby catches it she may not be able to have her surgery on Friday, which would suck since it took 8 weeks to get on the schedule.
Gracie was such a little angel at the doctors office. I took her by herself and she loves to spend time alone. She was so cute and sweet. She smiled at the doc even when he had the otoscope in her ear (which she hates). I didn't like the doc we saw but he said she looked good and her sats were good (97) so it is unlikely she aspirated. She was very clingy and cranky for most of today so hopefully the poor thing will be feeling better tomorrow. These damn colds are getting REALLY old.
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