When I hear other Moms talking about their kids ONLY sleeping 10 or 11 hours at night or ONLY napping 2-3 hours per nap I just want to laugh. I don’t want to sound whiny, especially since we get SO much more sleep than we did 4 or 5 months ago. That being said our kids are not the best sleepers. They take turns being the better sleeper each week. This week Gracie is sleeping from about 8 until 6. She usually goes back down after her bottle for another hour or MAYBE two. Then she naps for a total of 2 hours (two one hour naps). Abby is not going down for good til closer to 9:30 and wakes between 5 and 6 for a bottle. She too will go back down until 7:30 or 8 after bottle. She naps between 1 ½ and 2 ½ hours per day.
They still sometimes wake at night. We don’t have to get them out of bed but it is enough to wake me up. I have insomnia (and it has been particularly bad lately) so falling back to sleep after waking is tough. I just hope that someday they turn into the kind of children that sleep 12 plus hours a night. Here’s hoping!
Kris - I am jealous about the amount of sleep you get even with the twins! Em is doesn't go down until about 9 p.m. and then it up every 3 hours to nurse still and is up by 8 a.m. I am lucky if we get a 1 hour nap out of her. I don't know how she functions on such little sleep.
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