This morning we had Gracie's long awaited ENT appointment. I hate going when her ears are clear because they don't get a very accurate picture of what we deal with all winter long. They did a hearing test but she was not cooperative enough to tell if she has any loss. We met with a nurse practitioner who gave me the approach we were taking the "wait-and-see" approach for yet another year but when we met with the doctor (We chose a new doc this year who comes highly recommended) she immediately said that Gracie needs tubes and she needs hr adenoids removed. I hate the thought of surgery but I think this is a much better option over perforating over and over until she loses hearing. It is awesome, they will give us a script for 10 refills of antibiotic drops and when she has drainage from the ear we start the drops. NO MORE EAR CHECKS!!! I am thrilled about that part.
They don't want to do the surgery at the outpatient center until she is 3 (and gains some weight) and the hospital is almost booked until the summer anyway so she is scheduled for July 16th.
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