One of the most pleasant surprises about buying our townhouse came when we got the results of our land survey. When we looked at the house it had a small backyard... really small. The way we saw it IT WAS OUR OWN BACKYARD. A place we could make our own and play outside and plant some flowers. We were shocked when we got the survey and discovered that the previous owners only fenced a very small portion of the yard and we owned more than double the land that we originally thought! It was like getting the perfect Christmas present. (Our yard on the day we closed. See how close the back fence is to the house.)
There was a problem. The piece of the yard that we didn't think was ours, no one thought it was ours. Or anyone's for that matter. It was the neighborhood dumping ground. It housed several old Christmas trees, an air conditioner, house siding, years of lawn clipping and tree branches. Basically anything people didn't know what to do with they dumped there. Our first job after moving in was clearing that out. We had to hire some help as it was a very big job. The second job was tearing down the old dilapidated fence that was there for the 20 something years the house has stood. The third job was to dig a drainage ditch and create a drainage system to the back of the yard where we have a lawn grate. The final job for the summer was moving two truck loads of topsoil to even out the yard.
We didn't get a whole lot further until this year. This year things are taking shape. We have the yard cleared. We have trees trimmed. We have soil aerated. We have tired arms and backs. :D But as of this past Friday we have a brand new beautiful fence.
It doesn't sound like much but this is big for us. This is a place to take our kids when they are having a bad day. It is a place to create a controlled outdoor environment for Abby to learn to enjoy the outdoors. This is our sensory playground. Bring on finger paints and messy play and sand. Bring on rolling in the grass and climbing on a jungle gym. This is life changing for two ornery toddler and their tired mother. We are psyched.
We have a lot more work to do but we are ready. We spent the weekend tilling, airrating, seeding, watering, etc. We are tired but so glad to have a yard of our own.
Bonus: The view from my back window.
awesome! we have a tiny little yard but I have been so happy with what we've been able to accomplish back there with a limited budget and some long weekend efforts (small grassy area, woodchipped play area, veggie garden, etc.). Alls I can say is USE WEEDBLOCKER fabric under any landscaping that isn't grass, garden, or cement! And shredded redwood mulch (if bought off season in bulk) makes a great, durable, soft, and affordable ground covering. We had a huge yard once and were so overwhelmed with its upkeep that we never felt we belonged in it. I'd rather make the most of a small space than waste a larger one!
Have fun back there!
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