I had the much anticipated ultrasound today and sadly the news was not good. We found out we lost one of the twins. Apparently the heart stopped beating and growth stopped somewhere in the past week. They asked if I wanted to see the baby on ultrasound and I did. He just looked like he did last week but with no heart pumping away. So sad to think that we have lost three babies now. Two of which were growing and had heartbeats. Breaks my heart.
Baby A looks good (good strong heartbeat and grew more this week). She's still measuring behind and there is a week and a half discrepancy between the sac size and the baby but it looks like it's all trying to "get caught up". The nurse was fairly stoic and agreed we're not in the clear yet. They want to see greater growth before we can breathe a sigh of relief. The thinking is that with only one baby growing it might give A a better chance of developing normally. I guess we'll see about that.
I go back in another week to check on the baby and make sure growth continues. I also have my first OB appointment on Monday so I'll hopefully get a chance to make sure the heart is beating before the next ultrasound.
Sending a big HUG. Hang in there
I'm sorry. :( Hoping for great things with Baby A.
I'm sorry about Baby B. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Baby A thrives. Hugs.
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and yours. Aleigh
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