The c-section is scheduled! I am scheduled for May 7th (a Monday) at 3:30, with my favorite doc in the practice. I don't love the 3:30 time but she said that often on a Monday a 3:30 gets turned into an earlier time since people will deliver over the weekend. The stinky part is in order to get moved up if I can I have to fast after midnight and potentially until 3:30. That could be tough!
I'm just excited to have a date in the books so we can get planning. Nine more weeks!
5+7=12 that's how my ocd mind works! Ethan's birthday is 8-7-6! Congrats! Heidi
Heidi - I have a weird thing about even numbers (don't even ask... no idea :D) so an odd day was tough for me. Thankfully 7 is a "good number" for me. :D You're not alone in the OCD!
yes, but the two add to an even # and it's the same as the year so that evens everything out so you are all good! Heidi
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