April, 2005.
Ok, back to my tale of woe. So, after we had been TTC for a year I went to visit my OB (who is terrific) and see where we go from here. She ran a couple of simple blood tests and recommended that we start seeing a Reproductive Endocrinologist right away. She knew someone who she had gone to med school with, so we got a referral and made our appointment.
We awaited our first appointment very anxiously. It was a combination of anxiety of what was to come, relief that we were finally moving forward and frustration that we needed to seek out medical attention in order to get pregnant. I think this is a fact that so many people overlook when they hear about the pain of trying to get pregnant. The whole process sucks, but the very fact that you need to go to a doctor, discuss your sex life, undergo all of this shit just to do what it seems like EVERYONE else can do without even trying. So many people around me can get pregnant by "accident" and I have a team of docs who can't make it happen. Alright, I got off track.
So the day of our big appointment arrived, mind you it took a month or so to get the appointment. We met with Dr. T. a very nice Greek man who seemed very professional and experienced. We both liked him immediately. He explained all of the tests and procedures that we were going to undergo in the next month to get a sense of what was going on. I had nåively believed that I would walk into the office and be preggers in a matter of weeks. That day we both had blood work done and I was all set to start coming in to the office for weekly tranvaginal ultrasounds (and yeah, they're as fun as they sound) and bloodwork. They got Brian all signed up for him to give his "sample," which seemed so much more enjoyable that my ultrasounds.
I also had to undergo an HSG appointment. That stands for Hysterosalpingogram, and that must be Latin for stick a catheter in your cervix and see how bad it hurts. Fortunately, my HSG was clear, meaning all the pipes were clear. My initial bloodwork was normal and my ultrasounds appeared ok. After a couple of weeks the doc noticed a bunch of small cysts in my ovaries that looked like a string of pearls. This was the first hint that I might suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). This was shitty news, since I wanted something easy and treatable. Not something that can cause Insulin Problems, Diabetes and a heart condition.
So, with all of this going on, we still waited for B's results. And that is another story for another day.
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