I was thinking today about the irony (if that's the right word) of what it takes for some of us women to get pregnant. Getting pregnant is supposed to be something special and private that happens between a man and a woman when they love someone. It's supposed to be between two people and only two people.
Yet, for some of us, a team approach is required. In order for me to get pregnant I need a team of nurses, doctors, phlebotimists, physicians assistants, nurse anesthetists, x-ray techs, obstetrician, endocrinologists, secretaries, assistants, organizers, schedulers and a circus clown (at least I think there was a clown)... and of course me and the hubby. It just seems to defy what the whole process is about. Not that I don't appreciate all of these people and all they do for us, but during our 2nd IUI the nurse spent the whole time discussing the significance of the US finding Saddam Hussein. Not exactly the perfect moment to conceive your child. Well, we didn't, but all the same.
Just seems so strange to conceive your child while laying on a sterile table in a paper gown with a room full of strangers. The lengths we will go to for our children, and they're not even conceived yet...
ROFLMFAO!!! I do think that there was a clown involved somewhere in there as well! Hahaha. You crack me up. Sounds like you've got one helluva team behind you, that's gotta count for something. I'm sure that things will go much more smoothly when this next donor list comes out. Have I told you today that you're my hero?
Enjoyed a lot! » » »
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