A quick word to all of our whiney pregnant friends. While we should be very happy that soon you will be a mother you make it so darn difficult. While we listen to your unending list of why pregnancy sucks, we have to sit choke down all the things we want to say. Well, here I go:
First and foremost - Shut the f%@# up!
- If you would like to trade all of your baby weight for the weight that I have gained from the stress and all the hormones they pump into my body, that I say let's do it.
- It is not even possible to compare morning sickness, bloating and weight gain with the excrutiating pain of trying and failing to conceive month after month.
- How stupid are you that you do not realize a pregnant woman is the second most beautiful thing on the earth, and it is second only to a newborn child?
- Do you think that anyone wants to hear you bitch and complain anyway? Woman have been doing this for years, you are not the first pregnant woman of all time?
- And finally, how insensitive must you be to complain about pregnancy in front of someone who wants that more than anything on the whole earth.
Please do us all a favor and remember that
I'm so sorry that you had to deal w/ that at the wedding on Saturday. Sometimes people are just so clueless, especially if they have never had to deal with infertility. I know how hard it was for you to sit there and listen and I know you'd gladly trade her spots in a heartbeat. Our time will come my friend, it will. ((hugs))
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