Things are going ok today. I had bad pain this morning, but I have gone almost 5 hours with no back pain!!!! God must have heard me begging for relief this am. And I am not kidding, I was BEGGIN!
My NST was fine and the girls looked good. They checked me again and I am 2cm, +2 station and 90% effaced. The doc guessed a few more days to a week tops. Hopefully she is right. I have had about enough of this "fun".
I have an OB appointment tomorrow and they will check me again for progress. Hopefully I will be a little further along by then.
Oh my goodness, you are SO CLOSE! How exciting!
Hopefully your two princesses don't make you wait too much longer... weeks of labor pains are (is? whatever) not fun! Good luck, and relax, if possible!
Oh man, I'm thinking 3 days MAX...Glad to hear you got some relief. You're so close to meeting your daughters!
Did we mention we want pics as soon as humanly possible after their born??
I met two sets of twins set was born at 35.5 weeks and the other set was born at 38 weeks...and I have never been so convinced in my life of the difference that every day makes. All the babies are perfectly normal, but one can tell the differences in their verbal and physical development. So keep them in as long as you can!
Good luck! I know they're going to be beautiful babies!
they're...not their
You are so incredibly close! I'm so excited for you and am sending you many pain-free wishes!
How exciting! Thinking wonderful, pain-free thoughts for you!
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