I feel like I have a lot of small miscellaneous things to report on so this might be a bit tangential. So my sister is still in the hospital. She is okay but they are running a bunch of tests. She is not a very happy camper but hopefully everything will be clear and she can come home this weekend.
Tomorrow we go back to the surgeon. I will talk to him about her one eye still drifting and her eyes not being completely fluid when they move. Her right eye is still really red so we might need to do more eye drops. The biggest thing is that we will be talking about whether she needs to wear the glasses and if follow up surgery is in her future.
Gracie is doing really well. I feel like I haven't updated about her since she had her last cold. She is now cruising furniture, climbing out of things and being a wild little indian. I am amazed how active she is. She gives me a run for my money on a regular basis. People always make little comments about making sure Gracie doesn't get "lost in the shuffle" or doesn't get enough attention. I just laugh. If you know Grace, you know that that child DEMANDS attention in a very loud way. Most of my day is spent devoted to chasing her, getting her down off things or dealing with her temper tantrums. Gotta love that spirit. :>)
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