I spend most of my life saying no. No Popsicle before dinner. No jumping on your sister in the pool. No staying up til midnite. No, no, no.
Usually I don't mind. But every once in a while I want to say yes. I hear myself saying no and think "what a buzz kill". Why does being a mom mean always being a "no" person?
I try to find ways around it. Instead of "no" you can't have a Popsicle I go with "how about an apple". Sometimes it works but usually not. I'm contemplating a "yes day". A day where I just say yes to everyone. A day where I get to be the good guy for a change.
If I do institute this day the real question is how badly will my children take advantage? Or will my other hypothesis be correct. Is it that they want to do things they're not supposed to OR do they ask because they want to make sure that the rules are still the rules? Maybe we'll see...
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